Finish Along 2018 – Progress Picture time

Finish Along 2018 Round 1 Progress Pictures –

How are you going? I have seen some amazing pictures on social media showing projects being completed as part of the Finish Along 2018. We’re about a month in and you should all be really pleased with your progress.I know the extra focus on just a few projects has helped me get further ahead.

If you are working away steadily on your projects and have yet to share a picture, we’d love to see them. Use the hash tag #ssqfinishalong2018, you can also add #ssqfinishslong, #ssqfinishalong2018round1.

This was my declaration in intent picture.  3 projects.

Project 1- The Emerald City

I’ve managed to get one of my projects to a quilt top. This is the #100days100blocks2017 quilt which I am calling #theemeraldcity.  I have done all the blocks in greens and added yellow minor roads and a major road through the quilt.  This will be quilted in a brick fashion, get it, the yellow brick road?

The emerald city is ‘viewed’ from above, so the blocks are joined as a ‘city clock’.  Imagine you are floating in the sky above the city.  My next step is to get it onto the quilt frame and complete the quilting. Then binding.



Did you know I had created a Project worksheet for you to use for each project.  If you work better having a list of steps to tick off then you can use this sheet to write out what you need to do for each project and work your way to a completed project.


To save us all from writing out a looong hashtag, we’ve shortened most of our event and pattern hashtags to #ssq…   short for Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting.  Makes sense yeah?!



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