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Wanna see my sleepwear?

Did that get your attention?  You’re thinking “What is she on about?” aren’t you.

I’m sharing a sewing hack today.

A few weeks ago my MIL asked if I had a nightgown pattern and could I help her make a nightie to take away with her. Knowing what I needed to do in these few weeks I knew the time was not good for sewing from scratch. We also talked about what she wanted and that it was hard to find.

Black preferably, no slogan or picture, and long enough, not see through or flimsy.  Should be easy right? finished-nightdress Wrong, have you shopped for ladies nightwear recently?  None of the above and those we saw that might be useful were a bit exxy$$$.

So I remembered what my Mama taught me and went to the local department store and bought 2 T-shirts.  Yep, two t-shirts for $6 each. Make sure they are shapeless t-shirts, you want the straight side seams.

Here’s what I did.

Make sure the t-shirt is lying smooth and flat and neat, then trim off the bottom hem of one. Set aside. This is the top of the nightdress

Lay the other t-shirt also smooth and flat and aligned and cut it straight across under the arms. This is the bottom half of the nightdress.leftover-cut-piecesTake the bottom tube and feed the top through so you have right sides together and match the side seams.  Carefully pin at intervals such as centre front and side seams, then also in between these to hold the stretchy fabric evenly.  Repeat with the back, centre back and halfway between.

Using your sewing machine and an overlock stitch if you have one, stitch around enclosing the raw edges.  Use a straight stitch first and then zig zag the edges if you don’t have an overlock stitch.  Or use your overlocker machine if you have one of those.

You’ll need to gently pull the fabric through making sure you keep the edges aligned. Don’t over stretch the seam. seam-with-topstitchingThen push the seam allowance towards the top and topstitch from the outside to make the seam lie flat and comfortable. closeup-of-topstitchingand I’m done!  So for a total of $12 and a small amount of time, I have a new soft, comfy, suitable for travel nightdress.  Well actually my MIL does.

Scroll up again to see the whole item.

Happy Sewing


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